If you prefer homeschooling but desire a way to supplement your home education, take a look at our A La Carte course offerings.

A La Carte Offerings

  • Nature Journaling - $350

    Science is the systematic study of creation, based on observations. Romans 1:20 speaks of creation as a sermon on the invisible attributes of God, His eternal power and His divine nature. Creation testifies to these things and when we investigate nature, we are, in a very real sense, examining a sermon on the invisible attributes, the eternal power and the divine nature of our creator -- exposition with a microscope. This class works to develop in students a deep attention to detail, curiosity, and gratitude, alongside practical instruction in scientific methods of observation, field survey techniques and communicating information. Time will be spent observing local natural phenomena, sketching, taking notes and discussing ideas, observations and nature inquiries. Class will meet Tuesday afternoon for approximately 30 weeks, and is open to PreK-12th grade.

    Materials for class provided

  • Algebra 1 - $600

    Math is the language of the visible world. The study of math reveals the intricate beauty and order underlying all that we see. Using a classical pedagogy, Algebra 1 secures a strong foundation for further mathematical study. It engages students in the subject of math employing questions, pictures and the occasional comic. Meeting Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday morning, this 35 week class will cover factoring; rational expressions; systems of equations; lines; solving linear, fractional and quadratic equations; solving inequalities; rational and irrational numbers; and exponents, including negative exponents. Students will be engaged through real world examples and build their understanding of foundational truths.

    Required Materials:

    • Lined notebook and pencil

    • Elementary Algebra by Jacobs ISBN-13: 9781683442554

    • Elementary Algebra Solutions Manual ISBN: 0890519870

  • Exploring Creation with Chemistry - $600

    This course provides students with a strong foundation in chemistry with the goal of preparing them for college-level studies. While user-friendly in its design, it fosters in-depth discussions and provides clear and thorough explanations of concepts. It also explores the lives and work of Christian scientists who made a difference in the chemistry field while giving glory to God. It is recommended for students who take this course to be proficient in algebra.

    Required Materials:

    • Lined notebook and pencil

    • Exploring Creation with Chemistry Basic Set

  • Omnibus I - $600

    Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all-encompassing.” Omnibus is the St. Giles Humanities program. This course combines History, Literature, and Bible to guide students through the Great Books of the Western Canon to prepare them to live well in the present. Omnibus I covers Biblical and Classical Civilizations and works like The Odyssey, Histories by Herodotus, and the Epic of Gilgamesh.

    Required Materials:

    • Omnibus I student textbook

  • Omnibus II - $600

    Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all-encompassing.” Omnibus is the St. Giles Humanities program. This course combines History, Literature, and Bible to guide students through the Great Books of the Western Canon to prepare them to live well in the present. Omnibus II covers the Church Fathers through the Reformation, and works like Augustine’s Confessions, Shakespeare’s Henry V, and Luther’s Bondage of the Will.

    Required Materials:

    • Omnibus II student textbook

  • Omnibus IV - $600

    Omnibus is a Latin term meaning “all-encompassing.” Omnibus is the St. Giles Humanities program. This course combines History, Literature, and Bible to guide students through the Great Books of the Western Canon to prepare them to live well in the present. Omnibus IV covers the Ancient World, and works like The Iliad, Plato’s Republic, Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations.

    Required Materials:

    • Omnibus IV student textbook

  • Logic - $600

    Formal logic doesn't have to be intimidating. This carefully designed course covers formal logic for those who have not studied fallacies or syllogisms before, making it a strong foundation for learning to think well. Students learn how to properly define terms, form and interpret statements, compose valid syllogisms, and identify fallacies. In the second half of the year, students move to Intermediate logic which includes: logical operators and truth tables, nine basic rules of inference, how to judge contradictory claims using truth trees, identifying trains of thought, and much more.

    Required Materials:

    • Lined notebook and pencil

    • Introductory Logic Student Text (5th Edition) By: James B. Nance, Douglas Wilson

    • Intermediate Logic Student Text, 3rd Edition By: James B. Nance

  • Geometry - $600

    In Harold Jacobs' Geometry, students learn through a combination of discussions, cartoons, anecdotes, and vivid exercises that work together to develop an understanding of the concepts behind the formulas. A proof-based course, Jacobs' Geometry will help students see the main ideas and applications, put their new understanding into practice through doing the exercises, and finally understand why geometry works the way it does.

    Required Materials:

    • Lined notebook and pencil

    • Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding, 3rd edition By: Harold R. Jacobs ISBN-13: 9781683442547

  • High School Writing - $600

    This course lays the foundation for students to think deeply about issues from multiple angles. Each exercise provides an opportunity to write both a refutation and confirmation of the given material. Through repeated practice, students learn to craft arguments and hone their ability to structure their thoughts in a persuasive, logical manner. Part of a classical approach to writing this course provides foundational skills needed to pursue Rhetoric in later years. Class meets Monday, Tuesday and Thursday with assignments to be completed at home on Wednesday and Friday.

    This course is taught by Mr. Spears, who is a doctoral candidate at Kansas State University, and holds an M.S. from the University of Tennessee, an M.P.S. from Georgetown University, and an M.M.A.S from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. He currently teaches classical composition for St. Giles, and communication coursework for Spurgeon College.

    Required Materials:

    • Classical Composition IV Refutation and Confirmation

    • Lined notebook and pen or pencil of student’s choice

  • Art - $450

    As image bearers of God, people are creative beings. From an early age, children build forts, make mud pies, construct paper airplanes, and produce artwork in such a number that it pulls the fridge magnets to the ground. In all endeavors of creative work, Christians should bring glory to God. At Saint Giles we believe bringing God glory in Art is first practiced by perceiving, appreciating, and imitating God’s great artwork as seen in the world around us. We want our artistic work to reflect the goodness of creation. In an effort to train our mind and hands according to truth and beauty, our art class does not spend time on projects of self-expression, which often glorify the creativity of our own thoughts, instead we labor to faithfully study and understand aspects of the great Creator's work, while we model our creative efforts from His good design. Following in the path of the great masters, our students are taught the fundamentals of drawing before they move on to other mediums. This class will focus on teaching students to see and replicate line, texture and value in pencil and will then look at how to create these three things using the medium of colored pencils. Students need to have an ability to follow directions as well as draw basic shapes. Each class will begin with a brief art and music appreciation time, and then will conclude with 35-40 minutes of hands-on drawing. Class meets Monday and Thursday afternoon.

    Required Materials:

    • 5x8 Sketchbook with a spiral binding

    • Pencils

    • Two-12 packs of colored pencils, one for home use and one to keep in the classroom

Interested in our A La Carte program? View the application here.